June 15, 2024 — a new expanded edition of The Death Project, this time subtitled “an anthology for the Living.” This 2020 book has been expanded with additional pieces and carries two glowing reviews, one from former president of the United Church of Christ, Geoffrey Black, and the other from Ted Ayres in the Journal of Multicultural Affairs, Volume 6, Issue 2, Educators’ Voices Amplifying Research,
Reason, Rhythm & Rhyme: Stepping Out of the Shadows of COVID-19.
Here is what The Reverend Dr. Geoffrey Black wrote:
“There were moments while reading this eclectic collection of writing on death that I felt like I was viewing a documentary interspersed with inspiring testimony. The range of approaches to how we experience and understand the deaths of others and even our own demise/ transition was both imaginative, informative, and uplifting. I am particularly appreciative of the inclusion of poetry in this anthology, in that it takes us to feelings most effectively expressed in that mode. I also found its interfaith approach to be enlightening and helpful as I think about this moment of global pandemic in an increasingly diverse American society. This is a volume to which I expect to return time and time again. It is a rich resource for contemplation, reflection, and prayer. I am sure that the recorded experiences of ‘ordinary, extra ordinary people’ found in this volume will take up residence in many a sermon.”
Ted Ayres also discussed this book on his Book Notes (Expanded Edition) TV interview show on public television. To access his published review, go to https://scholarworks.sfasu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1124&context=jma