If you worry about the future and struggle with hopelessness, this near-future novel, the third in Eick’s Crossings Series, may give you hope. The story centers on a young Black American woman living in Paris who wants to make a difference with her life by protecting the accuracy of Artificial Intelligence. But the neo-fascist National Front Party controls the French government, restricting dissent, coopting the Sorbonne’s AI program, and rounding up immigrants for deportation. In a world afflicted with climate disasters and an aggressive Russia, she makes a way out of no way as she and other “ordinary” extraordinary people collaborate to resist and save democracy.

ISBN: 978-1-958728-33-8 paperback   $19.99

ISBN: 978-1-958728-34-5 epub    $7.99

Library of Congress Control Number: 2024952859

RESISTANCE! by Gretchen Cassel Eick