Richelle Lee Slota, who embraced her true identity in her sixties, wrote these poems/letters to her former self. This powerful book of poems is a magnificent collection of metrical poetry that gifts the reader with honest passion and delightful good humor. Richelle Lee Slota’s poems open themselves to the world in private and public “letters” that dare to test a society full of hate and division. These letters/poems are stronger than the terror and rejection the writer faces. The beauty of her rhythm and her emotional honesty–and Richelle’s dazzling technical energy–reach out to anyone seeking optimism and hope and provide nourishment. “Catch the cis-brained psyches’ sober iambs/write, thrumming clever like a cleaver transgender tie-ins,” Richelle writes. See the gifted person who has discarded her dead name and be captivated, enlarged, and changed by this writer of unique and moving poetry, who courageously signs her new name to every poem.


ISBN: 9781958728314   LCCN Library of Congress Control Number (LCCN): 2024942535

Letters to My Dead Name by Richelle Lee Slota